Friday, January 15, 2010

There's no more restaurant, just a starving customer

YuuHuuu..pas mw ngecek imel..moga2 ada pemberitahuan ttg IYC, terus gw dapet imel dari "my only one"

I know i could always hurt you. That's why i decided to get away from your life.
Although i don't want to lose you, but if it's the way it should be, then i'll do it. if it makes you happier, i'll do it. if it could stop your tears, i'll do it. if it could stop your worries, i'll do it. sorry for hurting you over and over again.. i don't think that I'm the one. i believe you can find the best for you. Now, i would stay out of your life, and i hope this can make things easier.

Reaksi pertama.....NANGIIIIIIIIISSSSS..

tp setelah 5 menit nangis dan mata gw mulai sakit, gw udah berenti nangis..

Val is wondering WTF [who the FAT]

gimana ya? i should have known..i've cried yesterday[as far as i can remember] bahkan gw udah nulis BLOG ttg ini smua kmrn..pas banget pikir hr ini dya smsin gw, semuanya akan pikir, "wahhh dya udah ada niatan nih..okelah kalau begitu"

taunya beberapa jem setelah itu gw dikasih imel kek begini..brasa disuruh minum vodka sebotol deh..

dya nyapa gw di YM..cuma nulis, "I hope it works"

pengen gw bales "Works for who?" tp gak ah..throwing nasty comments wont make me feel any happier and AS IF she wants to be with me ever was our 2nd time..i tried to do better..make everything better..TAPI INI SMUA GAK NGEFEK SLAMA GW MASIH JADI CEWE..

bingung gw mau sedih darimana..

sedih krn diputus?
sedih krn diputus via email?
sedih krn gak belajar dari pengalaman?
sedih krn harapan gw dihempaskan sia2? [kok bahasa gw geli ya?]
sedih krn dya emang udah gak mau ngejalanin "this kinda relationship"?

kadang gw pengen teriak musti NGAPAIN ya biar dapet hubungan yg langgeng sama orang yg tepat..orgnya udah tepat, hubungan kagak langgeng...hubungannya langgeng, orgnya TETOT..

Fiuh..hikmah yg bisa diambil dari hal ini..

at least she has the guts to say "I quit"
at least i can see it i shall spend less sorrow than 2 years before..


JADI JOMBLO ada gak enaknya tapi lebih baik daripada digantungin tanpa kepastian.. ^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Val... I am so sorry that you have to be in this kind of situation. "This kind of relationship", seperti kata lo, bukan cuma "hubungan yang tidak mudah", tapi adalah "hubungan yang maha susah".

Gwe pengen bilang, "Jangan khawatir, Val. Lo akan menemukan seseorang yang lebih baik." But I know it won't help. Be strong girl...