Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Val's Update 12/16/15

Its been too long since i posted my last post. Well, just  a quick update wont hurt, I suppose. Gw sekarang lagi beresin external harddisk gw. Gw beresin music foldernya dulu dan diurutin based on the singers. But i stumbled upon one folder, vn. It was my voice notes folder yang isinya suara 03(6)1. Kangen sih. But yeah,this voice notes got to go *click delete*
Not that Im erasing 0361 from my memory, but the files are not relevant anymore thus they need to go. *click empty recycle bin* Alrighty, im gon check the rest of the music folders. 8.33pm.

it is 09.03pm. Im a bit happy to waste 30 minutes of my life just to sort my music. Its a good thing since I can have time for myself. Biasanya jam segini gw masih di kantor, doing report or whatever. Well, 2015 adalah tahun tersibuk gw. Which is good. Tapi efek buruknya ya itu, i gave up my social life for work. Maybe its my way of running away from life, from "kapan (kita) nikah?".

Just an update, I'm currently single. I broke up with bear on April 2015. I broke up with Diamond around September 2015. Citra guessed that I was too busy and she was damn right. Im too busy doing what excites me. I love my job. I love what I do. Kinda feel lonely at times but that's alright since I do not have time to sob and cry. Everything goes so fast. I learned how to prepare an event from a month or better, a week before. Once the event was done, it took 3 until 7 days for the reporting period. The phase is too fast, its super challenging.

This photo was taken last year (loop kepo winners from other cities). Guess Im a happier person now. Makin gendut sih pastinya. Hihi, Thats about it for tonight. Mari kembali bekerja~~~

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