Monday, November 17, 2014

Thats where I draw the line

After spending way too much time with my GBF, I kinda felt something weird. I kept telling him to "move on".

"Ya ngapain lo mikirin orang yang blm tentu mikirin lo?"

"Ngga, gw juga udah gak mau mikirin. Tp gw makin sering mimpiin dia."

Speaking of weird dreams..

"Did you know you were in my dreams too? I spent countless night thinking about FUN stuff before i went to bed but you had your way to be in my dreams."

Perhaps I miss you. Perhaps i dont. I dont know since i rarely think about you. Or I block my thoughts of you unconsciously?

"Ya sebagaimanapun lo coba mendistract diri lo biar ga inget2 dia, kadang emang kemungkinan bocornya sih di mimpi. Lo kan ga bisa berbuat apa-apa ketika lo bermimpi." (Kecuali lo Leonardo dicaprio trus inception ala ala)

Ntah musti seneng/sedih, tp di dlm mimpi gw, gw seringkali terjebak di situasi "hampir bertemu". Kadang gw berharap bisa melanjutkan tidur 15 menit lagi (siapa tau ketemu di mimpi). Atau.. Memang gw nya yang udah lupa sama wajahnya ya?

What is the meaning of my dreams?
Why do I dream about you?
When will it end?

How do I even think about since we dont have any connections at all at the moment?

But 1 thing for sure, ive drawn my line here. Just stay out from my dreams and everything will be alright. 


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