I stumbled upon my L friend's facebook. I read her posts and they were kinda sad and devastated. I sometimes open fb group or friends' fb just to make me feel good about myself. Salah gw kalau postingan lo menye-menye? *empati gw kayaknya lagi abis*
As far as I can remember, I no longer post about my "way too personal" emotion on social media. Kalau bocor, berarti emang gw udah ga tahan banget untuk venting. Gw mikirnya begini. Gw temenan sama kolega dan bahkan bos gw di FB, twitter, path dan instagram. Kalau gw masih posting status kurang menyenangkan perihal kerjaan satu maupun kerjaan lainnya, nanti yang bisa bikin orang offended. My tips are keep your emotional quotes to yourself. no matter how inspiring they are. Because in the end, nobody cares. even if they care a bit, they cannot do much about it.
Alright, mari bahas agenda hari ini:
1. Bikin laporan kine feb + upload
2. Rapiin laporan kine jan + upload
3. Design kegiatan gathering vol eos
4. bikin doodle batch 4 wawancara vol eos
5. rapiin laporan aceh - film pendek
6. prepare untuk wawancara eos vol Minggu.
Apalagi ya? I guess i need to start working on my task now~
have a wonderful day, people. Here is one sexy potato.